Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If president Ma can force ECFA down our throats and Taiwanese have absolutely no say
Why can anyone call Taiwan democratic (民主)?

If president Ma can force ECFA down our throats and Taiwanese have absolutely no say, then by definition, Ma is a dictator, and Taiwan is under a dictatorship.

Everyday goes by sees Ma do tremendous damage to Taiwan. To me, he is on a mission to destroy Taiwan and he won't step down by himself. I would recommend that DPP talks to KMT legislators to see whether an alliance can be formed to start a congressional recall of Ma. Meanwhile, Taiwanese must speak up loudly to demand
  • Their constitutional birthrights of referendum, and
  • Unobstructed legislative oversight

Saturday, February 6, 2010

金溥聰: 立委補選要打
國民黨 的形象牌 II

Put 金溥聰: 立委補選要打中國國民黨 的形象牌 and this headline news:立委補選 中國國民黨拚過半 together. The two just do not go together, considering the fact that
  • 中國國民黨 has a 形象牌 that is surely going to attract voters, and
  • out of the four polling areas, three (桃園、新竹、花蓮) are 中國國民黨's strongholds and, according to fabricated polls, 中國國民黨 is also gaining grounds in 嘉義.
If 中國國民黨 is going to be believed, then the headline news should read: 中國國民黨 will sweep the 227 立委補選! That is a cinch for KMT/CCP media. They have been doing that since they started their existence.

立委補選 國民黨拚過半

聯合新聞網 - ‎5小時之前‎
四席立委補選進入關鍵衝刺期,國民黨提前推出主席牌強勢輔選,但黨內最新民調,目前桃園縣、西竹縣、嘉義縣均陷入苦戰,花蓮縣雖領先,雙方差距持續縮小,讓黨內高層膽戰心驚。 距離月底投票剩不到三周,馬英九已跑遍桃竹嘉花四縣,預定下周春節期間,還會四縣跑透透;黨 ...
NOWnews - 自由時報

Friday, February 5, 2010

金溥聰: 立委補選要打
國民黨 的形象牌

金溥聰 must tell us what 中國國民黨 的形象牌 is. To me, 中國國民黨 的形象 is 228 massacre, white terror, owning the judicial system to persecute opposition and protect its own (think Chen Shui-Bian, Ma Ying-Jeou and Diane Lee), military, media, and the world-largest ill-gotten party asset. All these pale when compared with what Ma is trying to accomplish now: to turn Taiwan into Tibet.

An aside is a fabricated poll:
The actual vote will show a single digit support for 林德瑞!

Unless voters desire to be brainwashed and enslaved forever by KMT/CCP, please come out on 227 to shout NO to 中國國民黨.

中時電子報 - ‎2010年2月1日‎:: 未來事件交易所:四席立委補選 中國國民黨全敗
2010/01/30 新台灣論壇: 未交所預測 227綠4席都贏

嘉縣立委之戰 金溥聰:把不可能變可能 【12:05】



對年底 5都直轄市長選舉,金溥聰表示,國民黨不管對手怎麼做,自己正努力思考如何推出最強的候選人,「協調已經鴨子划水在進行」。


對目前 4縣立委補選選情分析,金溥聰指出,根據內部民調,桃園縣的國民黨參選人陳學聖落後綠軍的幅度「在誤差範圍內」。但他認為,陳學聖形象好,本身又有極高昂的戰鬥意志,交戰中的選情會漸入佳境。

新竹縣到目前為止,還有 4成未表態,國民黨參選人鄭永堂落後對手約10%。金溥聰表示,馬英九在小年夜將赴新竹縣長邱鏡淳公館,與前新竹縣長鄭永金、鄭永堂,以及新竹縣議會議長張碧琴「圍爐」,希望大家放下過去恩怨。


對嘉義縣選情,金溥聰神情相當愉悅,「林德瑞趕上來的速度比預期還快」。目前民調數字,藍營的林德瑞29%、綠營的陳明文43%,「如果未來 1週林德瑞能衝上3成,陳明文掉到4成以下」,「這場仗就有一拚的可能性」。



