Tuesday, December 29, 2009



人民最大, but as long as 中國國民黨 is in power, Taiwanese will be forever stripped off their birthrights of referandum. 人民最大, but as long as 中國國民黨 is in power, 中國國民黨 will be bigger than 人民, and Chinese will be bigger than Taiwanese.

In 王丹與張鐵志 成大演講, 林飛帆,a 台南野草莓學運 student, wrote that
野草莓學運一年過去了, 我們的訴求無法得到政府的回應
人民最大, and yet the 中國國民黨 government was able to stonewall Wildstrawberry students' all three humble demands and got away with it.

Need more evidence that 人民最大? Here are some:
Taiwanese are second class citizens in their own land
Students demand KMT to give up totalitarianism
Taiwanese are slaves of their servants
Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one
賴幸媛:兩岸交流 人民最大 【12/27 14:15】








Sunday, December 27, 2009

賴幸媛:第四次江陳會 各方都贏
MAC Chairwoman: Hail Ma Ying-Jeou!

Translated literally, MAC Chairwoman Lai Shin-yuan (賴幸媛) said that the Taichung 4th 江陳會 was a win-win for everybody. What have citizens won when
  • you keep the treaties KMT signed with CCP secret,
  • KMT strips away citizens' birthright of referendum to voice their opinion,
  • you lavishly spent more than $100,000,000 NT taxpayers money to protect and entertain a China envoy without citizens consent when people are suffering from unprecedented financial hardship?
When KMT is in power, a deer is a horse, to lose is to win.

賴幸媛:第四次江陳會 各方都贏

Saturday, December 26, 2009

辯論ECFA 馬說假的 II

See also: 馬英九要與民進黨辯ECFA 不再給民進黨"指鹿為馬"機會
大學生邀辯ECFA 吳敦義沒空.

NO DEBATE: The government declined to let students ask an official about the pros and cons of an ECFA. It only wanted to give its own description of the pact’s benefits

By Loa Iok-sin

Sunday, Dec 27, 2009, Page 3

Minister of Economic Affairs Shih Yen-shiang, left, and Taiwan Thinktank chairman Chen Po-chih shake hands after a debate on whether Taiwan should sign an economic cooperation framework agreement with China.
The National Taiwan University Student Association (NTUSA) yesterday said it was disappointed that Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) declined a challenge from students to debate whether Taiwan should sign an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, instead asking Minister of Economic Affairs Shih Yen-shiang (施顏祥) to “explain” the ECFA to students.

Student associations from National Taiwan University (NTU), National Chengchi University and National Taiwan Normal University invited the premier to debate on whether signing an ECFA with China would benefit Taiwan, especially in the areas of employment opportunities for youth and the development of human rights. However, Wu did not accept the invitation.


“We regret that Wu, an NTU alumnus, declined to accept our challenge to a debate on an ECFA,” NTUSA spokeswoman Jane Tang (唐家婕) told reporters outside the forum yesterday. “Wu said that the Minister of Economic Affairs may be more knowledgeable on the issue, but we think an ECFA is not only about economic issues and Wu should be the person who knows most because he is the head of the government.”

Tang said the group had tried to invite heads of several government agencies, but only Shih agreed to take part.

Although the Minister of Economic Affairs agreed to come, the ministry said it would prefer to simply describe what an ECFA was, what its impacts would be, and what may happen if Taiwan did or did not sign such an agreement with China, Tang said.

“It’s very unfortunate,” she said.


In a 30-minute presentation, Shih said that with an increasing number of countries — especially in East Asia — forming trade blocs by signing free-trade agreements (FTA) and regional-trade agreements, Taiwan risked being left out of the global trade system.

“We should sign am ECFA — a type of FTA — with China because it’s our biggest trading partner,” Shih told the forum. “Signing an ECFA with China would help Taiwanese businesses grab a bigger share of the Chinese market; it would also enhance the chance of signing FTAs with other countries in the future.”

Shih said that an ECFA, like other FTAs, would be submitted to legislative review before going into force.


He said that an ECFA with China may have a negative impact on some Taiwanese industries, but added that the impact could be overcome if Taiwan continues to develop technology.

However, Taiwan Thinktank chairman Chen Po-chih (陳博志), an economist who also attended the forum, disagreed.

“The minister stressed the benefits too much, but avoided talking in more detail about the negative impacts of an ECFA,” Chen said. “He said that Taiwan could overcome the challenges [after signing an ECFA] via technological innovations, but he didn’t say what the government would do to help.”

Chen said he was worried that once the trade barrier is lifted, Taiwanese businesses would move to China to cut production costs instead of investing in technological innovation.


“Besides, Chinese officials clearly said on April 14 that they would not allow Taiwan to sign FTAs with other countries — maybe we should include a clause in an ECFA saying that it would only become effective once Taiwanese FTAs with the US, Japan, or Europe become effective,” he said.

Asked by reporters to respond to Chen’s comments, Shih only said the government was working to sign FTAs with other countries.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

金溥聰 今之趙高? II

What is not mentioned in the news is that 林德瑞 辭去中正大學系主任職務 is completely unlike 張花冠 辭去立委. If he loses the by-election, he is still a NCCU professor. If Professor 林德瑞 is an ethical person that 金溥聰 wants us to believe, I would like him to answer just one question:
  • How do you justify 中國國民黨 striping away Taiwanese referendum rights and circumventing Congressional oversight when it comes to the secret KMT/CCP 江陳會?
嘉義立委補選 金溥聰陪林德瑞登記
20091225 11:58:18 小型字 中型字 大型字

(中央社記者黃國芳嘉義市25日電)嘉義縣第2選區立委補選,國民黨徵召的中正大學財經法律系主任林德瑞,今天由國民黨祕書長金溥聰陪同完成登記。林德瑞 並宣布辭去中正大學系主任職務,專心參選。








金溥聰 今之趙高?

For years, I repeatedly ask a simple question on the web:
Name three KMT members who are ethical
Not even one nomination!

I would like to challenge 金溥聰 with the same question: Name three KMT members who are ethical.

According to 中時,
金溥聰 對嘉義縣立委補選提名的堅持,是以「看四年後縣長的接續」為目標,必須是清廉、支持中國國民黨改革理念及符合中國國民黨現階段勝選目標的人選。
To me, his goal is self-contradictory: 中國國民黨黨員 cannot be 清廉, just as feces cannot be delicious.

Is 金溥聰 ignorant, or is he 今之趙高 ?

KMT OK with 2,000 Chinese missiles
yet deemed firecrackers dangerous violence

接見陳雲林 賴幸媛:兩岸也需同理心

Sprinkled in the absolute gobbledygook are lies such as:
  • 江陳會 are strictly meetings between two Chinese parties: KMT and CCP. There has been zero Taiwanese participation, but KMT/CCP have been lavishly spending Taiwan taxpayers money.
  • The meetings are as nontransparent as could be, and
  • KMT disallows Taiwanese referendum rights to vote on KMT/CCP secret agreements.
She said:
Fact: China aims 2,000 missles at Taiwan. That has not stopped KMT from meeting with CCP and made her speak of
While 賴幸媛 was treasuring KMT's good relationship with CCP, their police jumped onto a moving vehicle that fired firecrackers into sky to protest the KMT/CCP secret meetings. Police considered firecrackers so dangerous that they jumped the moving car, handcuffed and arrested six people in a matter of seconds:

12/23 大話新聞~抗議人士放鞭炮 警方跳上車壓制


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A society that knows no shame

Taiwanese should be completely disgusted by 傅崐萁. But they are not.

Not only are they not disgusted by 傅崐萁, they elected him 花蓮縣長. In the same way they elected Ma Ying-Jeou president, 張宏年 台中市議長, and 白鴻森 彰化縣議長...

As usual, no one will argue with 金恒煒 about 傅崐萁, 馬英九, 張宏年, 白鴻森 ... being 不要臉.

Without voters' voting for these 不要臉, these people would not have been in their positions to do such tremendous harm to Taiwanese.

What does that make Taiwanese voters?

偕妻甜蜜亮相 傅:離婚無效不必再結

中時電子報 - ‎36分鐘之前‎
內政部廿二日以「通謀虛偽」為由,認定傅崐萁與徐榛蔚兩人的離婚無效,而其副縣長人事令亦無效,傅崐萁深夜宣布取銷任命。廿三日一大早夫妻倆以鶼鰈情深之姿甜蜜現身,媒體起哄要他求婚;傅萁說,既然內政部認定離婚無效,那就沒有再結婚的問題了。 ...






台 灣最大的民主危機就是「不要臉」政治橫行。「馬統」大選前喊出「六三三」,當選後跳票,公然把非任期的二○一六年當成兌現日!明明當過有給職的職業學生, 被揭穿了還敢告人!更不必說毫不避諱把親密/戰友拉拔在身邊當秘書長!可以不要臉到如此,比起來,吳俊立、傅崐萁的「不要臉」還是小case。

與獨裁、專制的中國如膠似漆,完全違背普世價值,「馬統」還說遠來是客,還要用警力毆打台灣人民、折毀青天旗; 「馬統」不要臉的作法,歷歷在目。尤其在「江陳四會」要簽定密約之際,花大把人民的血汗錢故意選在《自由時報》上刊登全版加半版的廣告,大肆吹捧 ECFA,一堆屁話不說,還好意思放了自己的尊容照!人民只能說:你不要臉,我們還要。只問一句話,既然ECFA那麼好,為什麼不要、不敢「公投」?




Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

China stabs Taiwanese' back
But call them 同胞 and 鄉親

China opposes Taiwan's bid for UNFCCC at Copenhagen forum. The Chinese delegate explained why from his seat in the audience:
The initiatives in favor of Taiwan's bid for observer status at the UNFCCC have hurt the feelings of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.
Having treated Taiwanese as subhumans, Chinese now come to Taiwan, protected by thousands of police ready to beat people carrying national flags, and call us 同胞 and 鄉親.

陳雲林:訪災民 此行最大心願

  • 2009-12-19
  • 中國時報
  • 【李文輝/北京報導】



 訪台活動中部為主 提感性要求



 面對抗議活動 盼確保協商順利


How 災民 should treat murderer 陳雲林

China was the reason Ma Ying-Jeou refused the rescue offer from United States and Japan, at the time many deceased victims could have been saved. In that sense, Chinese were the murderers. When murderer comes to express his sympathy, the victims should seek justice from him.


中時電子報 - ‎4小時之前‎
大陸海協會長陳雲林十八日在第四次江陳會行前會上,用感性、和緩地語氣特別提及希望探訪莫拉克風災災區及南部受災地區民眾,強調這是他此行除四項協議會談之外,最大的心願。至於抵台後,將面對抗議活動,陳雲林表示,相信台灣有關方面能夠採取必要措施。 ...

辯論ECFA 馬說假的

See also: 馬英九要與民進黨辯ECFA 不再給民進黨"指鹿為馬"機會
大學生邀辯ECFA 吳敦義沒空.

辯論ECFA 馬無誠意

+ 放大圖片
總統馬英九(右)13日南下嘉義地區參訪愛之味公司時表示,簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)一定考量,以台灣為主、對人民有利。 中央社記者黃國芳嘉義縣攝  98年12月13日
Central News Agency




Thursday, December 17, 2009

大學生邀辯ECFA 吳敦義沒空

This news does not give us any impression that 行政院長吳敦義 welcomes a debate, otherwise, he could set up a time with the students. KMT will continue to stonewall request for referendum and congressional oversight. It will continue to refuse to disclose the contents of ECFA.
大學生邀辯ECFA 吳敦義沒空





【2009/12/16 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/

Read the following CCP report again. Just like 6-3-3, Ma's gesture of wanting to debate with DPP is yet another false pretense.
馬英九要與民進黨辯ECFA 不再給民進黨"指鹿為馬"機會
島內輿論指出,中國國民黨終於走了對的一步,別再給民進黨指鹿為馬的機會了! 馬英九11日晚間接受島內媒體專訪時表示,希望兩岸協商ECFA到有具體內容出來時,可以和民進黨 ...
國際在綫 (中國國際廣播電臺國際線)

旺旺中時民調: Since Taiwanese favor 江陳會, let them vote on ECFA!


中時電子報 - ‎1小時之前‎
江陳會即將登場,民進黨動員嗆聲,國人[traslated: Chinese] 多不以為然。依據最新民調顯示,71%的受訪者知道本屆會議將在台中舉行,39%的民眾樂觀其成,合計有49%的人 覺得現階段兩岸交流速度適當,或甚應該加快腳步。53%的民眾反對民進黨動員抵制江陳會。50%的人不認為簽署ECFA是傾中賣台, ...

依據最新民調顯示, KMT/CCP cannot tell the difference between truth and lies.

金溥聰質疑民進黨連ECFA 是圓是扁 都不知道就反對

Why do KMT/CCP keep ECFA a secret?

Fact is that
  • no Taiwanese knows what ECFA is. KMT's secret dealing with China is completely unacceptable.
  • Taiwanese do not necessarily object ECFA. But they demand the right to vote on it.
  • The following Taiwannews report wrote: 台灣與中國大陸洽簽ECFA. This should be rewritten as KMT and CCP 洽簽ECFA, because ECFA has zero Taiwanese participation. The term 中國大陸 should be avoided. Just say 中國!


中國國民黨秘書長金溥聰今天質疑民進黨連經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)「是圓是扁」都不知道就反對。前行政院長蘇貞昌表示,不只民進黨不了解,全民也都不了解。 台灣與中國大陸洽簽ECFA,引起社會討論,金溥聰在國民黨中常會後對記者表示,既然民進黨連ECFA「是圓是扁」都不知道,強烈反對的「正當性」不足。 蘇貞昌今晚參加「綠色立委聯盟」在台北縣三峽大板根 ...[FullStory]

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CCP: Asking for transparency is 指鹿為馬

Fact: Except a clique of KMT/CCP elites, no one knows what ECFA is. The following report confirms it:
Re ECFA, all Taiwanese are asking is that the content of ECFA be disclosed, and after fully discussed, people vote for its approval or rejection. What Chinese KMT and CCP have been doing is to stonewall Taiwanese' request for transparency and try to force ECFA down their throats.

According to this Chinese report, asking for transparency is 指鹿為馬.

馬英九要與民進黨辯ECFA 不再給民進黨"指鹿為馬"機會
島內輿論指出,中國國民黨終於走了對的一步,別再給民進黨指鹿為馬的機會了! 馬英九11日晚間接受島內媒體專訪時表示,希望兩岸協商ECFA到有具體內容出來時,可以和民進黨 ...
國際在綫 (中國國際廣播電臺國際線)